Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Visits and treats

I would like to thank all my friends and family for all their kind gifts, cards and flowers. I can't believe just how generous everyone has been. It is amazing how many lovely things Cerys and the girls have received. I have had 9 bouquets of flowers over the last 2 weeks and have been made to feel very special. I have also seen lots of people, which has been so nice. Those that know me well also know that my door is always open, I am one of these people that do love company and do like to see people, so it is nice that people have popped over to meet our new arrival. We have also been out a few times too. On Sunday (day 4) we headed off with the family to our local, the Vanburgh Tavern. We had lunch with Mum, Dad, Gary, Lisa and little Katie, the kids all played together in the garden whilst I managed to catch up on more gossip with Lisa, great stuff!. We then went to a friends birthday BBQ last Saturday and a big family picnic on Sunday in a local park near Mum and Dads. The weather is nice and hot now, this enables us to do much more with the kids, it just means we are not tied to pubs and peoples houses.

Cerys is almost 2 weeks old now, she has put on 7oz and weighs 9lbs 11oz. The midwife was meant to visit today but she rang saying she was too busy and has booked to come next week. The health advisor came today to do a hearing test but the machine was broken so she too is returning next week!. Cerys has had her heal prick test and has been given the once over by the midwife last week so we have nothing to worry about. She is still sleeping through the night, which is fantastic, looks like she likes her sleep, just like all the Daniels family. I don't think our friends believe us but it really is true, they are all good sleepers, this is probably why I keep having kids because I do get to sleep!

We did have a bit of a shock at the weekend with Erin, after our outings with friends and family we discovered a few spots on Erin.....yes she too has contracted Chicken pox!!! We thought we had one little jealous girl but what we have is one little sick girl. This has been the reason for her screaming, annoying moaning every second, non interest in food and clingy behavior, how bad do I feel! At least we can give her drugs now we know she is ill! Whoops, what about all those children she has been in contact with over the last few days, all the people at the BBQ, picnic, pub and playgrounds. Our first call was to Esme, who told us Danny has come up in spots and yes he has chicken pox, so far we haven't heard of any more cases, fingers crossed we haven't infected too many people!!! Well it is good for kids to get it young, less picking and scaring....We hope.

I think I am all up to date now. I must write more often. My aim is to write less and be more witty.....I will give it a go on my next entry. Lots happening this weekend, we have the Waddle and Toddle in the Park with the NCT. I have already managed to get lots of pressies for the raffle from the local shops, looking forward to the event, I hope a few of you can join us or at least sponsor Megan, she is walking the mile, she doesnt know it yet but she is!!!


Raj said...


Nice to hear about you guys. 2 weeks and sleeping through is a legal offence of course in ParentShire so we'llbe over to imprison her forthwith.

See you soon Evee!

Carolyns Sprog Blog said...

Hi Eve, Clinton and Daughters,

Wow - another beautiful baby girl, her hairdo is fab! Loved your labour story, especially the bit about the sheet flying across the room. Sounds like you had a bit of a time of it but somehow kept a cool head - how on earth did you manage THAT?! I'm trying not to think about labour atall at the moment but with 5 months to go I have time to ignore it for a while before it's my turn. In the meantime there's plenty to keep me occupied like moving house - arghhh!

Will add a link to your blog from my sprog blog!

Take care of yourself and everyone there, lots of love,
