Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Day three and out in the rain

Day three. Its Saturday. What happens on a Saturday, Rugby. Yes you heard it, Rugby. The tickets had already been bought!! Clinton went to Twickenham with the boys. I didn't mind and sadly I was looking forward to see if I could cope with 3 kids on my own for the day. Unfortunately it rained most of the day but that didn't stop me. I was determined to get out of the house. I packed my small bag, loaded the car up with all the necessary things. Esme then met me in her car with her two and we headed off to the park just as the heavens opened. Esme pointed out this was rather stupid with a new born child, which I reluctantly agreed. As we were all in cars we decided to go to 'Tigers Eye', a play barn in Thamesmead. We managed to tire out all the kids and Cerys slept through the entire event. I took her out the pram for a cuddle and to make sure she was still alive! She is really a very good baby, I still wait for her to change into a demon child but really think this fabulous behaviour will continue.

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