Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Home sweet home and reunited

I couldn't wait to see my other 2 angels and show them their new baby sis, so we drove straight to my parents, who were looking after Megan and Erin during the whole birthing experience.

Megan looked tired with her chicken pox or Chicken pops as she calls them. Her spots had all turned to scabs and were no longer infectious. Erin seemed to have avoided the ichy disease, or so we had hoped!

Megan didn't seem that interested in Cerys, she gave me big cuddles and then demanded to go to the park. Erin on the other hand seemed quite clingy, wanting our attention or anyone's attention really, which of course she got. After an hour at mum and dads, baby cuddles all round we attempted to take Erin and Cerys home, whilst Megan got what she wanted and headed off to Greenwich park with her Batty (grandma). When we loaded the car and pulled out of the parking space, who should pull up but Farah. Pete (Clintons best friend) and Farah live next door to my parents, Farah had just returned from swimming with her little boy Kamran and within minutes we were invited in for lunch and a relax. This was a very kind offer because the last thing I wanted to do was cook. After soup and macaroni cheese we headed home to Sun Lane, all I wanted was my bed and a good few hours sleep. I fed Cerys at midnight, my milk must have come through because she fed for a long time. By now my boobs were very sore, my stomach was contracting with every suck, with that comes the pain, it feels like contractions all over again and will continue until I finish breast feeding! Oh joy of joys.

I kept waking through out the night, even though I was so tired. I was worried that Cerys was still asleep, I woke at 4am, 6am and then finally at 9am. By 9.30 I was beginning to get really worried and decided to wake her up and feed her. She slept over 9 hours on her second night! Apparently, as she is a large baby, she is stronger etc and will feed for longer, this means she is content for longer. Long may it remain. I really can't believe it, we have been blessed I am sure.

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