Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Catching up and many thanks

Cerys is 5 weeks today and what a spoilt little girl she has been, well she totally deserves it because she is such a good little baby. She is so content and only cries when she is hungry, she sleeps very well. Sorry guys she is still sleeping through the night, up to 8 hours, I just can't believe it. She now weighs a grand 10lbs 15 and comes in at almost 90% on the centile charts, quite a bit above average. She is a healthy little girl to say the least and rather long.

Cerys has had many visitors and has been out on lots of visits. Last week we took a trip to see little Oliver Davis and Lynsey and had lunch with the lovely Clare Grayer. Lynsey cooked lunch and entertained us with cats and mice. I must expand on this..... Lyns lives in a beautiful house in Chislehurst, we were having chit chat in the kitchen looking out onto her lovely garden and suddenly Lyns let out a little cry as her cats were playing with a little mouse on the patio. Both Lyns and I rushed outside and shoed the cats away whilst we established the damage they had done to this rather cute creature. Unfortunately its back had been broken and its back legs were not working. Lyns couldn't pick it up so I did and put it into a little box, We did try to put it out of is misery but just couldn't do it. Lyns picked some grass to make it a bed and then produced a box of Alpen for its lunch!!! It still makes me chuckle remembering Lyns pile up enough cereal to bury the poor rodent! "it can pick out the best bits!" were her last words as we left it a bush in the front garden to fend for itself. In the meantime Clare was entertaining our children, who I forgot about for a very short moment!

We have also had some family visit, my uncle and Aunt drove up from Sussex to visit the new addition, they brought some lovely outfits for all the girls and Megan had a wonderful book that she loved pretending to read. Megan is going through this very embracing brattish stage when she goes silent, she won't say goodbye, hello, thank you and is generally rude when people have made a real effort. I know she is a lovely little girl because I see her every day but unfortunately guests only see her during her horrid moments, so all the people that have bought kind gifts for the girls please be assured that Megan does love your company and your pressies and talks about you all when you aren't there, honestly.

Clinton and I managed to make it out the house to Nigel and Sues garden party with both Erin and Cerys. We thought we would have problems in getting the girls to sleep but eventually they both managed to let us mingle with guests, it was great to catch up with Nigel and Sue and their charming family. My god daughter Jessica is now 11 and starts Sylvia Young's school of drama in September, I am so proud of her. She is a talented young girl and is oozing with confidence. Hope you like the photo guys.

Thank you - I must stress how grateful we are for all your kind gifts and money. We have received so many beautiful outfits and toys from our friends and family. It is so touching to know you are thinking about us all. We have enough in our Cerys collection to buy the trip trap high chair and a cot bed, it is unbelievable how generous you have all been, so thank you again. I am so sorry I haven't got around to calling and talking to you individually, I will do I promise.

I must get on with dinner before Clinton gets back from Golf....Forever the un perfect housewife...Finding it quite hard to get the house wife things done, my mind keeps slipping onto more fun things like making lots of money....More about that in my next entry!!!

1 comment:

NML/Natalie said...

Megan sounds like great craic! But I imagine that's hard work though. Sounds like you're having some great time off work. lucky thing :-)