Sunday, May 21, 2006

A week of waiting

What an odd week I have had of waiting. My first week with no work, felt very weird not to wake with the alarm, not to have to get on a smelly tube every morning and night, having to worry about forecasts or issue sizes or not getting my commission paid because the market is in a bad way. Instead I have screaming children, housework, people continually looking around the house and the worry about giving birth in a few days or weeks, oh joy of joys, being a lady of leisure, you can never win can you!

Luckily Megan has still been going to nursery 3 days a week but Erin, of course is now with me 24 hours. It is lovely seeing so much of her but she is at that very annoying stage where she wants to be with you all the time, she wants to be held and played with constantly. Anything you eat or drink she wants too, this proved to be rather funny with my curry the other night and a boiling cup of tea she wanted to poor over herself. When she doesn't get what she wants she just shrieks and boy can she make a noise....Cant think where she gets that frustration from!!.

So this week has been a week of nesting and organising. It has taken an entire week to decide which bed to buy Megan and we have decided on a fairy castle mid level bed (with out the slide, seemed a bit OTT) We have searched high and low, looked at every website and visited many show rooms, from Stompa and Flexa to MFI, Ikea and Argos, we have done it all. I didn't realise there were so many brands of child's bed around and at all sorts of prices. Again the Scandinavian seem to be the best and most expensive too.

On Friday we did Lakeside retail park, in hope it would start off contracts but 7 hours later we ended up in Ikea with a sofa instead of a bed. We have finally bought a new sofa, not a leather one, like we had decided on about 6 months ago but a huge sofa bouncy one. It looks like it is custom fit to our front room, stretching along the entire length of the wall. Both Clinton and I can lie at each end and just about touch toes, what luxury. There were times when we liked to just cuddle up on the sofa, now we like our own space...How funny.

So I am now 40 weeks and a day pregnant and still nothing. I did have a few twinges in the week but think that was down to the way I was sitting!! Bump has dropped and is now very uncomfortable. Back ache is here but heart burn has slowed down, thank god. Hormones are racing and if anyone dare say just how big I am I think I will implode. God people are so rude, I mean you don't go up to random fat people and comment on how obese they are do you, so why to strangers feel they need to comment to a very hormonal person on how huge they are and how uncomfortable they look.....Jesus give me strength.

1 comment:

NML/Natalie said...

Ooh, it sounds like you've had a nice week. Erin sounds hilarious - you've passed on that independent streak! Tell those cheeky f*ckers to f off! That sofa sounds fabulous by the way - I love that style of sofa. If you go into I'm not very useful...but good luck ;-)