Thursday, May 04, 2006


Saturday 29th April - my third baby shower or storking as Becs has now christening the annual event. Rebecca arrived very promptly at 11.30 with 4 lasagna's in her car, whilst I was still trying to get the two kids dressed and ready as well as trying on my 4th pair of trousers, that still didn't fit. The sun had decided to come out on us today, so I finally settled with the three quarter length jeans and by the time I got out the house I realised I had only remembered to shave my under arm and not the legs! Well it is very difficult to reach the old pins at this stage in pregnancy as you can imagine. I did attempt to paint the toe nails, which took long enough as I had to come up for breath on each toe!

Finally got to mums about 12.15, after a quick tour of their beautiful home we got the lasagna's in the oven and and the salads chopped for the arrival of my first guest, Kirsten. Kirsten's little boy Euan is a few weeks younger than Erin and she has been frantically organising his naming day and birthday (combined) which was all due to happen the next day, therefore she had a number of things on her mind, like the 100 guests descending on her the next day! However in true form she came for a good few hours to celebrate my next popping!

Within the next hour the girls started arriving. It was lovely to catch up with everyone again. Sarah and Kath (two of my eldest friends from nursery) came, I haven't seen them for at least 6 months. Amber, my best mate at school and true friend came for the afternoon with her mum, Nonna Lynn (1/2 Italian), it was great to catch up with Amber and Lynn as they look after Erin in the week and I hardly ever see them. Sounds odd but being a working mum, Clinton and I drop Erin off on the way to work and Clinton picks her up, I stay in the car really and very rarely get the chance for a good old gossip. So even though my child and husband catch up with Amber on a daily basis I don't because work still occupies my time.

The good old girlie crew Sally, Cathy, Damiti, Lisa, Venitia and Clare G entertained us with tales of their growing up experiences. We had lengthily discussions on collonic irrigation, ways of losing weight, getting healthy, men, work, life and for good measure I added in the odd vibrator story to add a bit of juice to the conversations. Lynsey and her gorgeous boy, Oliver, came along, she looks great and is getting on with the wonders and woes of baby life. I hope to see more of Lyns when I am off, its so important to give each other support, sometimes you can feel really alone, even when there is a lot happening around you, it is also nice to have a bit of change, so Lynsey, we must meet up more over the summer and break that routine.!

This time around I did the sensible thing and asked the girls not to shower me with lots of lovely gifts, as it is my third time now and I do feel a little guilty in accepting more goodies from my friends. However there are a few things that I do need for bump 3 that are a little more expensive. I have always longed for a Stokke Trip Trap high chair and have felt it a little extravagant in the past to pay out £120 for a couple of pieces of wood that resembles a chair, however Mum and Dad bought Erin one for her first birthday and they are fab so I thought it would be lovely to get a matching one for number 3. We also need a cot bed and a cozy toes for our Phil and Ted double buggy. The wonderful Becs did a collection and so far we have £155. This is fantasticic as I can now start to order online and get the things I really need. So thank you all very much for your kind gifts and donations, I can't wait to show you all my goodies when they arrive.

There were a few faces missing on Saturday but I hope to catch up with them over the next few weeks or after Miss Daniels decides to arrive. We did have quite a long day that didn't actually stop until the early hours! My life has never been conservative and I am not a predictable person, always surprising myself really. Jonathan came to mums to pick up Rebecca and Sally and the remainder of the Lasagna's in the evening, they left about 11.30pm.

I forgot to mention that the boys left for the rugby club at about 2.30 to watch the last game of the season. Clinton and Dad took Simon, (Lynseys lovely hubby) to consume a number of pints and watch their favourite sport. Well Dad returned at 9.30pm, rather worse for wear, I believe Simon stayed out as well and as for my hubby, well you can imagine......Beer, rugby club, music, mates..Yes you can imagine, it took wild horses to pull him away, literally.

A12.30am, on my way home, (I did leave the girls in bed at mum and dads,) I decided to call Clinton as I had his door keys. He was enjoying the atmosphere, the disco was going strong, as we now have a late night opening at the club. The beer was flowing and all teams were celebrating the last game of the season. My plan was to drop the keys off and retire to my bed for an un disturbed night of sleep. How wrong could I be, whilst I was on the phone to Clinton a fight broke out next to him, a fight between a man and a women. Now I know that female rugby players can be just as tough as the men but this particular girl did not deserve to be hit, yes hit, by one of the first team! Who is an international player and goes out with Kirsty Gallagher! Samson is an arrogant, silly, little man. He has short mans syndrome and to top it off thinks he is an Adonis. All these things put together and the fact he hit a girl didn'tnt really appeal to Clinton and caused him to become rather bothered, to say the least. So my short visit to the club ended up with me trying to stop a storm in a teacup for bubbling over. It took quite a few men to get Clinton in the car, he wasn't very impressed with the young Samson's behaviour. As I left the club I managed to get a quite word in with the woman basher myself. It took everything to stop me placing a large slap across his pretty little face. The conversation went like this.....(team mates were laughing and geering as Clinton and co exited the building, followed by large pregnant woman) one person shouted, 'Oh my god she is pregnant!' I turned to face the guilty Samson, bent down to his level and quietlyly said 'You are a very silly little man'. He then shouted and who the F..... are you! His mate?' I then soberly said 'No, his wife'. He then replied 'Do you want a thump as well then?'. At this point I nearly popped but due to my 8 month baby, my calm approach and the fact that I didn't have a vodka in me I just stood up, smiled and left the building. All these witty things popped into my head as I exited, all these clever words and reactions that I really wish I could have done at the time but things never happen like you want them to, do they!. I really hope Samson gets disiplined but I doubt he will because the club need him and boy does he know it! Well what comes around goes around. At least Clinton didn't hit him and cause even more gossip for that club to brew on over the summer.

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