Thursday, June 22, 2006

Its been 3 weeks since my last confession

I can't believe how time flys, its funny isn't it, when I was working my tits off, coming home to start my real job as a Mum and housewife I still managed to find time to write my little blog, now I am a full time mum I just don't find the time, there is always a baby that needs changing, feeding or just attention!! Working was a walk in the park!

Well Erin and Cerys are having their nap and Megan is at nursery, i have sorted a bag a clothes for charity, done the washing and shopping, the house is tied and I have even remembered to eat lunch! So its about time I updated you.

Cerys is now 4 weeks old, she is gaining weight by the minute, well the amount she drinks is amazing. My boobs are huge, I am continually finding myself in embracing situations as I keep forgetting to buy boob pads, I now just wear dark tops, much easier! Cerys was 10lbs 2oz last week, probably more now. She has grown out of most of her newborn outfits and is now wearing 3 month plus. Her eyes are still blue and she has retained her lovely black hair. I have eventually managed to give her a manicure and I didn't manage to cut her fingers, a better job than Erins first manicure when I managed to cut the top of her thumb off, bad mother!

Erin is now walking, she is so funny and is making good use of her nappies for padding as she dive bombs the floor every 5 minutes. Megan is going through a bit of an annoying stage at the moment, she is fine when she has 100% attention but as soon as we have meal times, bath times, bed times etc all together she kicks off. I have had to bring back the star system for going to the toilet because she has started wetting herself again. It is all down to attention and dividing our time efficiently. So thanks to all those time management courses I have been on I am concentrating of best use of time, scheduling things to do and making each one of my girls have the quality time the deserve. I am hoping this works!

Thank God for Friends!!!

We have had lots of visits from good friends. A few weeks ago Damiti came to visit us bringing pressies for all the girls (Thanks hun). She bought the girls some lovely outfits, I must mention this because it made me laugh, anyone who knows Damiti will find the funny side. Erin opened her pressie to find a lovely Yellow outfit, well actually it was a top but in true Damiti style she thought it was a dress, well it just about covers her nappy, "she could definitely where that as a dress" stressed Damiti. It bought back memories of Damiti in her jumper dress at Christmas, that just about covered her nappy too! Thank you very much Damiti, the clothes are just lovely and they have all been worn.

Clare and Becs came over to see me but it was hard to get them away from the girls. We had a wonderful Thai meal in Blackheath, followed by drinks in the local, then when that closed we managed to find a few late drinks in another public house and finally I managed to drag them back for a few more at mine. They then called a cab before I managed to get Take Take on, I don't know, they just haven't got what it takes anymore. Here are a few pictures of the girls in Cerys action.

I can't forgot my good old pals, Esme, Amber and Lisa, who are continually there for me, popping in to keep me sane. We have walks and picnics in the park with the kids and catch up on all the gossip. I don't know how I would get through the days without friends to keep me sane.

Its lovely to catch up with a few old friends like Venetia, Fiona and Emma, all have come over for peeks of little Cerys, all baring wonderful gifts, I am so lucky. Anyway I have a doctors appointment and guess what....I am late!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My word so much has happened, it's lovely to see us all up there - brilliant for keeping up to date with what everyone else is doing as well!

Hope you're all enjoying the lovely weather and not to hot and sticky!
Big kisses, Fluff xxx