Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My favorite times

My favorite times with the girls have to be bath times. They both love the water, especially Erin. Megan doesn't like her hair being washed or water in her ears, she is much more delicate than Erin, but she does love playing in the bath. Erin is a rough and tumble little thing. Don't get me wrong she does have her wimpy sensitive times when she cries if you laugh at her or make loud noises when she is tired but she is much tougher than Megs.

Managed to get away from work quite pronto today so I got to the station by 6.30. Clinton insisted in picking me up in the car as usual (he doesn't like me getting on the bus at the end of a long day!). Even though Megan was fast asleep, Erin was wide awake and full of the joys of life. As soon as we got home we played lots with her hammer and peg set (thanks Becs, she loves it), then all her rings that fit on top of each other. She is such a show off, she knows how to put all the rings on top of each other and she posts all the shapes through the wooden shape thing. Much quicker than I have seen any baby do! Very impressed. Yesterday she also hit a milestone. She walks! Yes she walks with the help of support. She stood up holding onto her little chair and pushed it across the entire floor. Fab stuff, we all started clapping, which of course made her clap and fall over. She was really chuffed with herself and kept showing off, again and again.

Erin and I had a lovely pamper session tonight, after her bath I have her a nice massage, cut her nails, brushed her hair, cleaned her ears and everything. We ended up having cuddles for so long I quite forgot about Eastenders and missed the first 15 minutes. God I must have been enjoying myself, not much makes me miss Easties. I do love those quite moments with my girls, its fun and it calms them down before bedtime.

Thank god there is crap on TV tonight, it has encouraged me to make Erins thank you cards for her 1st birthday, a bit late I know but I think its important to keep in touch with everyone. I have some stupid program on behind me about Girls Aloud, oh my god, what a pile of poo, they are all so blond (sorry to all my blond friends but hello....TV will show anything nowadays). Anyway I suppose I best stop bloging and get myself into bed, boy do I need my beauty sleep and I want to catch up on NML blog to find out what is happening with her new man. Very exciting stuff.

1 comment:

NML/Natalie said...

Your kids are so adorable! They look so cute in the bath and it sounds like you had a lovey chilled evening with them. I feel all broody now ;-) Easties was classic last night! Mega cheese fest! Congrats to Erin for walking around and being so clever!