Thursday, March 23, 2006

Little mover

Goodness this baby loves to move. I nearly grabbed her foot today, or some limb anyway. She is constantly kicking me and moving around my body. It is funny because when she pushes her foot out if you push it back she moves it all around, you can actually see it moving, really quite wierd.

At 32 weeks she weighs about 4 lbs/1.8 kilos and will actually look like a baby now. She is about 18inches/45 cms long, well I will have that confirmed next tuesday by the mid wife. Her organs will continue to mature, however she will be fine if she comes into the world tomorrow!(we would like to think so anyway). Apparently brain scans at this age show that at eight months they can dream. She is also passing urine getting ready for the big wide world. The books say that I would have gained 3 or 4 pounds this month!! more like 7 or 8!!.

Her lungs are almost fully developed and she can open and close her eyes. Apparently she can see what is happening in the utero, she can tell light and dark! That must make her a night owl then because that is when she wakes up for sure. I have a dancing queen inside me! If you shine a torch at your tummy the baby may react and reach towards the light. I will have to try that with Megan.

I am feeling short of breath and there is a reason for this too. The uterus is pressing against my diaphram because the baby is not fully down in the pelvis. When it comes to the second/third child the head doesn't engaged until the last minute. The muscles are much more relaxed on the third time round. Very annoying though because when the baby drops it makes more room to breath, oh well, I will just have to pant lots!

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